Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Retro Email Convo

I was searching for something in my emails and I found this gem. It is something DCB Promotions sent out. It is amazing:

If any of you know any good young musicians in Bristol please pass this on to them

Hi All,
I need to put together a very specific covers band for an underage club night i am setting up in Bristol.
Read this and please pass it on to other members of your band you think may be interested
The band will play very current indie rock pop songs Arctic Monkeys, Klaxons, Foo Fighters etc
This will not interfere with any other band you are in and should be considered a bit of fun on the side,
the band will get paid and probably only play once a month, rehearsals will be once a week (paid for by me)
you must be no older (or look no older) than 21
look cool, funky, sexy with a strong overall image
good musician with own kit
must be able to make your own way to bristol with your gear when needed
Get back to me putting your name, number and personal myspace page against the position you could fill below,
if you haven't got a personal page put your band page pointing out who you are on pics, if you dont have a
website attach a picture, the look of this band is really important so i need to see you.
Lead Vocals -
Lead Guitar -
Rhythm Guitar -
Bass -
Drums -
Keyboards -
If you put Lead vocalist and can also play an instrument put you name against the instrument you play as well
Dave Brayley
dcb Promotions & Management ltd 30a college green, bristol, bs1 5tb 0117 9834503



I replied to it, and me and Dave Brayley (who I presume imaginatively named DCB Promotions after his own initials) had a little electronic conversation.

Me: WHY are looks so important?

Dave: i said look cool not have good looks

"the look of this band is really important" ...why are looks so important?

yes, the look, whats wrong with a band looking great

nothing, i'm asking why they HAVE to

because for this particular thing i want a band that looks good, why have you got a problem with that

because i think bands look good when they are being themselves, playing original music, not when they are put together solely because someone thinks they can make money out of it.

its quite clear what this if for, a covers band, if its something your not interested in then just ignore it, 99% of what we do is with original bands, this isnt

good point, it's not like you ever book cover bands at the fleece, is it...


oh sweet! hard-fi!

ok, send me a link to your band


really like it

can i have a gig then?

He didn't reply to the last one. Anyway I don't know if this proves much other than I used to be (?) a bit of a knob. It's a shame people like this make a living from music, but it's not the only way.... right?

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