Thursday, 30 April 2009

Non-Trophy Season

We Bumblebees have agreed to make a record of some kind with Local Kid, the nicest label in the world, who happen to be based very near us. We have been going kind of slowly recently, cos we can't commit to many gigs. Nat Jelas is playing bass for us in the absence of soon-departing Bert (xoxoxoxoxo).

My best gig with Nat and us was at OMG! in Manchester. It seemed pretty rammed, which is something I would happily get used to. I really want the summer to be super-busy, to make the most of the free time we have. I definitely feel like personally I have regained a bit of MUSIC DESIRE in the last few weeks and it is paying off in terms of new song quantity, at least.

The Local Kid record will probably be late this year, which seems a long time away, but actually isn't. We aren't getting any younger though, that's for true.